Friday, June 8, 2007

My Friday

  I hope everyone has had a good day today. I haven't heard anymore from my cousin about Scooby. I hope to hear something soon. Thank you for all the prayers going up for him. He is such a good doggie. He's so lovable and friendly. When my cousin comes over, Scooby sits right near me so I can pet him and give him hugs. He's all white and fluffy and so darn adorable. I will let you know when I hear something.

Here in Philadelphia today, it was like a sauna. The air was so thick, I had a hard time breathing outside. Humidity was very high, and the burn index span was 9 minutes. Jim took the van to work today, but Emma came over and picked us up. Rebecca wanted to go play in the pool Emma bought the kids. So, when we got to Emma's we caked on the sunscreen 55 and out to the pool Marissa and Rebecca went. They had a great time, splashing in the water, dumping buckets of water over each others head, lol. I took a few pics of them in the pool.

You won't believe this one. Remember Daniel and is chicken pox? Well, today he broke out in more bubbles. When Dan got home at 5pm, the bubbles had spread up Daniels back onto his head, and he was so fussy saying Itchy Mommy. Dan says ok, he ain't taking no chances, so off to Philadelphia Childrens Hospital they go. First doctor says, it's chicken pox. Dan says it's been going on for 2 weeks, it can't be chicken pox. He gets another doctor, that doctor says it's either a heat rash or measles. By this time Dan is really getting mad, and says I want a doctor with alot more experience to look at my son. They call in a female doctor, who has 12 years experience working with children. She looks at Daniel, reaches into her pocket pulls out a magnifying glass with a blue light on it, looks closely at Daniels bubbles and says, It's not a heat rash, it's not chicken pox and it's not measles. She asked where Daniel slept at night. Emma told her in his crib. She asked howold the mattress was. Emma said 2 years old. She asked if the mattress was ripped. Emma says yes, there's 2 small rips in center of it, but she has one of those padded mattress covers for cribs on it. The doctor said, Get rid of the mattress and buy a new one, and do not use the mattress pad covers anymore. And this is why.

The cotton inside the mattress is made from sheeps wool. Sheeps have fleas, lice, and all other kinds of insects crawling around in their wool. They companies making the mattresses take steps to clean the wool, but there's no way they can get everything. So, when these crib mattresses are made and stuffed with this sheeps wool, they crawl around and breed in the mattress. And when it is torn they escape. The things escaping are called Bed Bugs, and are known to bite human flesh, leaving a fluid in the skin causing it to rise and itch. She gave Emma a prescription for an oral liquid for Daniel to take every six hours for the next week. Their going to go buy Daniel a new mattress and a plastic crib mattress cover just to make sure he doesn't get bitten anymore later on. I told Emma she needs a new pediatrician. Saying Daniel had chicken pox and he didn't, and making me stay away from my grandchildren for almost 2 weeks, thinking I could catch chicken pox or Rebecca. I'd like to slap the doctor. When I went to Emmas today, Daniel was all over me. Kissing me and hugging me, rubbing my arms saying wuv u mommom, and wanting me to hold him. He missed his mommom. And Rebecca and Marissa missed playing together. Here's a couple pics of Daniel I took today. If you look closely on his chin you can see the vanilla cake I fed him today, heehee.


Yep, he's got my keys and cellphone again. I can always make him laugh and smile by handing over those 2 items. He loves those pajamas he's wearing. I bought them for him and he won't take them off. Emma tried to dress him this morning and he yelled, Noooooooo, ON. He wanted to keep them on, lol. So she left them on him. He sits down on floor grabs his sandals and puts them on too. And guess what? He put his sandals on the right feet. Marissa and Rebecca still can't do that most times, lol.

Well, tonight on HBO, I was watching a special on the race horse BARBARO. Rebecca loves that horse. She even has a stuffed animal of Barbaro. Well, my 5yr old child sat in the chair and literally cried her eyes out watching the story that lead up to Barbaro being put down. I tried to change the channel, she wouldn't let me. She just sat there crying, saying poor Barbaro. And she made me promise I would look on the internet and find pictures of Barbaro and print them out for her. I kept my promise. I found 4 very nice pics for her. She doesn't get this horse loving from Jim and I. The horse lover in the family is my sister Lucy. Guess what Lucy? Rebecca takes after you in that department, lol. The one pic I found, I am sending it away and having it made into a poster for her for her birthday in 3 months. Wow, in 3 months my baby is going to be 6 years old. I have to plan her party. And plan the baby shower for Emma too.

Well, guess that is about it. I have 99 emails to read. I won't get to all of them tonight, but I'll get to a few. I'm a little tired tonight, I got up at 5:30 again this morning, and this heat outdoors got to me today. My air conditioners are on, so it's cool in here, but outdoors today watching the girls took it's toll on me. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Oh and before I forget, a very special thank you goes out to Lisa Jo for the lovely birthday card I received in the mail today. LJ, thank you so much, I love it. It was so kind and thoughtful of you to remember me for my birthday. I love ya girlfriend. XOXOXO

Love to you all.......................................






  1. Cindy, Awwwwww I love the pictures of the kids, I am so glad that little Daniel does'nt have chicken pox after all, You are going to love that CSI next Thursday night with John Mayer, that was the first show of the season and it also shows the awesome Cirque Du Soliel show in Las Vegas, I'll send you a reminder next Thursday morning to watch or tape that episode, When is your birthday ?????? Hugs Lisa P.S. Scooby is still in my prayers

  2. Hope you hear good news re Scooby, I have him in my prayers. {{{ }}} If you need me to do a post in Furr Babies for him let me know.
    The pics are adorable! :)
    Have a good weekend my friend.

  3. great pictures of the kids im so glad someone was able to tell you guys what was wrong with poor daniel.. ridiculous some doctors are just saying they are whatever...i never knew that about the matresses though i will have to check o's and make sure it has no rips.
    take care and hoep we hear about scooby soon

  4. enjoy the weekend:)


  5. So....Daniel NEVER had chicken pox?  It was these bed bugs all along?  That is TERRIBLE!!!!!!!  How could the Dr have made that mistake?  POOR DANIEL!!!

    When was your birthday????  I think I missed and I don't think I even knew about it!!!


  6. oh my can't belielve Daniel never had the chicken pox's. So happy that the doctor finally figured it out. I think he should go to a new doctor too. Love the pictures of the kids.


  7. I cannot believe that Daniel was misdiagnosed. That's not right.
    I'm glad he will be ok now. Poor thing.  That pool looks nice and cool~

  8. Wow...I can't believe that poor Danial was misdiagnosed! Yes, by all means please go slap that Dr. ! That poor baby. I'll keep that in mind with my grandson's mattress as well. Good Grief! Stay cool in this heat Cindy. :o)

  9. Can you get mattresses made with holophil, it's a man made fibre but sterile? We can get them here in the UK.
    That is th most shocking story I have heard in a while.

  10. WOW, I had no idea about the mattress and such, that is really something. I hope he will recover ASAP now that they know what is going on, that poor boy.
    Hugs and love

  11. I am glad the new Doctor finally figured out what was wrong with Daniel. His recovery should be soon now. Poor Scooby. I hope he is doing well by now. Helen

  12. So happy to read they found out what was wrong....
    Yesterday, was the worst here...humidity, and here.  Those pool photos sure make things look cooler...and they look like they are having so much fun.  Have a beautiful weekend...enjoy!!!

  13. I'm glad that the doctor figured out what was wrong!
    Prayers for scooby!
    Happy belated bday :)


  14. Seems as though the heat is getting to everyone! Love the pool pics, I would of been right smack dab in the middle of it all! I've heard of babies getting really sick from some mattresses. Poor baby having to indure this! But, it looks as though Mommom was the best medicine to be given! Hope your weekend remains comfortable for you! Have a Happy one!

  15. Good grief, all that worry and its bed bugs!  I'm glad they found out what it was, but what a worry!  Glad the girls got a chance to cool down, it was very hot here yesterday but today is quite pleasant.  Have a great weekend.

  16. There was a huge segment on a news program not too long about about bedbugs making a HUGE come back. We all use the cloth matress covers, they're not made of wool...they're a cotton mixture. It's good that his Dad stood up to the drs. So many people forget they don't have to listen to just one dr, and forget they can FIRE drs.

    Since you've never had chicken pox, why don't you get the vaccination? They give it to adults, it's not just made for children and then you'll be safer and if you do get them, it'll most likely be a very mild case.

    I won't be vax this baby for it, if she gets them good. I did vax my boys for it and wish I hadn't so they could have the natural immunity vs a synthetic immunity. I had it when I was 4 or 5 and had it BAD, covered head to toe and have been checked and still immune!

    God Bless

  17. Cindy I hope Scooby is OK ~
    Loved the pictures of Rebecca and Marissa in the pool ~ they certainly look like they are having fun ~ That is a terrible tale about the matress ~ that senior female doctor knew what she was talking about thank goodness she recognised what was wrong ~ and all caused by the mattress ~ Daniel looks a little cutie ~ I can understand why you missed him so much ~ Ally x

  18. Glad they found out FINALLY what was wrong with the baby. Geez. Pool looks like fun. I got Kyan a hard plastic one for the deck at his apartment. It's small, but does the job. I'm with her I think I saw the same Barbaro show and it was sad I cried too. Rebecca would love where I live I'm right in the middle of horse country.
    Have a great weekend. Glad you got to see those grandbabies again. Stupid doctor.
    Take care and Hugs, Chrissie

  19. I would never have thought of bugs from the mattress!!  Poor baby.  Hope he clears up quickly.

  20. Omgoodness, I can't believe the docs had that wrong.  And I did not know that about the mattresses.  Thanks for telling us!  I'm glad you got to see the baby finally.  Love, Shelly

  21. Good Lord, you got that card FAST.  
    Poor kid has bed bugs huh? Can you imagine? That is horrible but thank God its curable. Its been hot here too...i know the girls loved getting in that pool.
    Love,lisa jo

  22. Happy Belated Birthday, Cindy..   I hope you had a Happy One!  

    I didn't even know that bed bugs still existed.  Wow.. you learn something new everyday.

    Stay out of that heat and stay cool!


  23. I've been way behind in reading.  I'll be praying for Scooby.  I think I would get a new doc for Daniel.  Poor guy!  Getting all bitten up.  He's a cutie.  So are Emma & Rebecca.  It got to 100 degrees here today.  The last 3 days have been to hot to even breathe.  Happy Belated Birthday Cindy!  Hope you have a great one!

  24. i've been wayyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy behind in writing in my journal too (as well as reading) so i hope to rectify this very soon

  25. Dear Cindy, my brother has lyfoma or however you spell it anyway he started
    taking Barley-max 3 times a day and 4 or 5 oz of carrot juice twice aday, he is
    in remission and still is, if you're interest in looking into these items you can go
    to get their 800 # off the web page and an get their Quartly magazine
    sent to you free! Its a great health magazine,they have many health products,
    a health diet in each issue
    Good luck Paul

  26. We bought one of those Above ground pools By Intex. The ones you see at Wal-Mart and what not! We love it! Its like HotTub Size, Fits up to 4 adults. It's not the biggest one they offer of course but it's perfect for a small family. You have to treat them like any Pool...Chlorine and PH levels and the whole nine yards...which can get a little pricey.
