Tuesday, August 15, 2006

In need of some help

ok, i signed up for the 2996 tribute to 9/11, got my person to pay tribute too. i saved it in an email to myself. now how to i get it to post in my journal without showing a blank box witha tiny red x. i also saved it in my documents folder. will someone please email me and let me know how to get it in my journal. i'm sorry if i'm a pain in the butt, but after years of just emailing, and playing pogo games, i never learned how to do all the other things. i still have to buy that book journaling for dummies, lol. i would so appreciate the help. thank you, muahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I signed up too. But remember NOT to post it in your journal till 9/11.
    Will send email!
    Hugs, Sugar

  2. shoot cindy I will  have the same problem I bet.. I have picked a name but haven't wrote the tribute yet so haven't tried to link it but betI  will have probs too!! How are you anyway?Did you get my postcard?? Take care... Lyn

  3. Try to highlight the pic only, then do a right click over the pic and choose copy pic.
    then go to the page you want it in and do right click pick paste.

    that might work.


  4. Sugar is good at this stuff!  Wait for her email..if you haven't gotten it already!  She will lead you down the right path.. in more ways that one! :)


  5. you can't get yours over there and I didn't save my person. I have to go back to the sight and see if I can get it. Good luck.

  6. you need to host it using photobucket or another image hosting site and put it up using that to get it without a red x
    hope you figure it out
    <3, emily
