Wednesday, June 7, 2006

The Test Part 1

 NursePart 1 of my Nuclear Cardio Stress Test was a nightmare. It took an hour to find a vein they could use to inject me with some horrible liquid that allows your veins, arteries, etc to expand larger in size. I felt like a dag on pin cushion. I won't count the bruises all over my arms and the top of my hands from needles being inserted to find a vein that did'nt explode, run, collaspe. OK when a vein was finally found and the liquid starting entering my body, my skin turned red and I do mean red. Then it felt like my lungs were being drained of all there air. Afew seconds later it felt like my heart was being squeezed between 2 large hands. Then all of a sudden I felt like someone dropped a 1000 pound cement block on my chest, I was gasping for air. But all that is side effects of the medicine they were injecting into me, all this just to do an EKG and take pictures of my heart. Give me a few bottles of the barium, I'll drink it anytime over that medicine, lol. My God I was horrified having all those side effects. I actually thought I was having a bad reaction and a heart attack. My blood pressure shot up to 190/120, but went down to 167/88, then down to 147/88. Bottom number seems to be staying at 88 now. At one time during the end of the injection it went down to 105/55, but quickly came back up. After the EKG, I had to have pictures taken of my heart, that took about 40 minutes. Tomorrow is Part 2 of this testing. Another injection, an ultra sound, more pictures and another EKG. I will be glad when it's over.

 On The CheekOn a happier note, things took a turn for the better with Emma and Dan. Last night Emma took my advice. And what good advice it was too, heehee. I told her to make up a list......a very long list of errends for Dan to do. So, she made up a list where he'd have to go to 9 places to get the things. Well, he went to leave and she said oh, and by the way Dan your son would like to go bye bye's too. DAYUMM she's good. Needless to say with the driving, Daniel screaming for a bottle, crowded stores, and searching for these items, Dan was not at all thrilled about having to do everything himself, on top of working all day. Sooooooooo, he sat down, they talked and out of the blue Dan hands Emma and 100 dollar bill, keys to car and says Honey go spend this on yourself. After tonight I seen all you have to deal with. He finally woke up and smelled the coffee sort of speaking, lol. So, they have decided to work out there differences, Dan is gonna check into getting some help for his control issues. He actually spoke to a councilor tonight. I am glad their gonna take another try at it. There is the kids to worry about, and all the negative energy that was going around lately, was upsetting my grand daughter. My daughter Emma seems better also. So, let's just hope and pray things work out for them. Well, that's about all there is to write about so I'll go for now. I'll let you know how tomorrow goes with the tests. Good Night!!!!!!!!!  


  1. hope the tests go fast and everything goes well:) glad daughter on her fiance are getting help


  2. Sorry about all the tests you're having to go through. So glad that Emma and Dan were able to works things out or at least TRYING to work on things. Don't you love it. When your husband is being an ass that is the first advice that an attorney will give you is dump everything on him and let him figure out how to do your job. My X doesn't even mess around with me on that because he knows I'll pack all the teens up and give them to him, bills, house and everything. He doesn't want them remember he's living his fantasy pretend single life with a girlfriend. I told him when I dump everything on him that life will soon come to end. LOL.

  3. For your sake Cindy I will be glad when all those tests are over ~ glad that Dan and Emma seem to be getting things sorted out ~ that is good news ~ Ally

  4. I'm the same way sis, they can NEVER find a vein to give me a needle or draw blood either, what is it with us? Gosh, I am so sorry to hear how horrible this testing was, hope Part 2 is easier on you. That is SUCH good news about Emma and Dan, I am so happy! I dearly love my niece and I hate to think of her being unhappy, so this is great news. :-)

  5. Remind me to never have a nuclear cardio stress test!  Hope your Thursday is much better.

  6. Sorry your test was so rough.  I'm glad that your daughter is happier now and they are trying to work on things.

  7. I think it's great that dan is willing to get help. Hopefully that will all work out. I'm so sorry about the testing sounded awful.
